Student Resources
Primary page for all UW student services. Use this to check and pay for tuition, husky card balance, U-Pass status, class schedule, and transcript.
Reserve MBA Team Room
Need space to meet with your MBA team? You can book any of the team rooms on the 3rd floor of Paccar Hall and 3rd floor of Founders Hall
Parking Permits
Purchase quarterly parking permits to park on campus, as well as pay or appeal parking citations.
Evening MBA Program Office
Lists the student resources and points of contacts for the staff directory.
MBA Student Directory
The MBA Student Directory is an opt-in platform and only accessible by students, staff, and faculty at Foster who have an active UW NetID and password. If you find that you were not included, but want to be, please opt into the UW Directory: https://identity.uw.edu/
UW Directory
University wide directory for Faculty/Staff and Students. it is useful for finding emails or phone numbers.
Husky Card Online Portal
Check current Husky card balance and add more funds. Primarily useful for printing on campus.